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Janus 6.1
The Comprehensive Guide
By Hank Friedman

Updated Monday, September 16, 2024

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Purchase Janus 6
Purchase or upgrade to Janus 6
at the lowest price

My review of Janus 6

New Features
All of the new features and improvements in Janus 6

My YouTube video of five of the new features
and improvements in Janus 6

Janus 6.1
What's New in Janus 6.1

My YouTube video of five of the new features
and improvements in Janus 6

Report Samples
Samples of all of the Janus Reports

Free Trial
Download a free 30 day trial version of Janus 6

Importing Chart Files from Solar Fire into Janus 6

Fixing a font issue in Janus 6

My Latest SoftStar News:

Janus 6 -- a major new upgrade
My new Dasa Report, Time Search, Duodecima wheels, a Speculum and more.

The free Windows program every astrologer should have
Make sure that your computer's clock is accurate at all times

Temporal Significators -- The True Indicators of Life Themes
What planets signify for different rising signs.

Transcending Reductionism in Astrology:
Part Two

The roles of Jupiter in the charts of two famous women


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